Starting from the beginning
A clear vision for children's learning
The results are in! Learning doesn't begin when a child begins primary school. Learning begins before a child is born, with 90 percent of a person's brain development happening before the age of five. As educators at Mad Hatter House, we feel honoured to play a role in this very special time in a child's life. We also know that there is a special recipe for learning in these early years; we use all of these ingredients, including play-based learning, strong relationships with children, connections with families and culture, and engaging and inviting environments, as a foundation for our programs.

Learning for Life
We know that children attend Mad Hatter House for a whole range of reasons, be that because they have family that need to work, because they are looking for a space where their child can learn alongside other children or to get them ready for "big school".
Whatever the reasons a child is at Mad Hatter House we want to ensure that they are given the opportunity to thrive, not just in these early years but in life.
Guided by the principles, practices and outcomes of the Early Years Learning Framework Educators at Mad Hatter House, observe, assess, plan, implement and evaluate to help ensure that each children learning can grow.
We share this learning with you via Storypark.

Learning Together
Educational Leaders at Mad Hatter House, work closely with other educators, children and families to translate current research about early education, into everyday practices at our Service.
This might look like
applying new research about how children learn to read into our our everyday program
helping children and families develop goals for learning
taking professional development about how to support children with additional needs and applying those strategies
taking virtual tours of other exceptional early childhood services to adapt or adopt practices into our own Services
conducting in-house workshops based around identified needs